Continuing from yesterday, onto the Bs!
We have one copy of the Morricone score for Tornatore, Baaria, for $10.
I see we have a couple dozen Bach CDs. The classical titles don’t sell as well for us as film, obviously, and we’ve taken them from estates because why not? If you’re looking to expand your classical collection, do check out our titles because many are super cheap.
Back to Goldsmith, his classic western score Bandolero! We have one copy of the expanded La-La Land for $25, also the original album on edel for $3 and on Project 3 for $3. I honestly had never seen the Project 3 release until now.
We have several sealed copies of Banning, the classic Quincy Jones score, on La-La Land for $12.
A couple of out-of-print Batman titles from La-La Land, we have one apiece and I’m surprised they haven’t already sold: We have the Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 2 for $65, and the 4CD Danny Elfman Batman Collection (Batman and Batman Returns) for $155, both sealed and used/punched.
Looking for groovy Les Baxter? We have the La-La Land Beach Blanket Bingo for $15, also a slightly damaged copy for $8.
We have the 2CD set from BSX of The Beastmaster by Lee Holdridge, $18.
We have recently sold a lot of Academy Awards “For Your Consideration” CDs, and there’s one that people might have missed because we forgot to label it “FYC,” a copy of Beasts of No Nation by Dan Romer for $18.
More Holdridge: I remember when the live-action late 1980s TV series Beauty and the Beast was a big deal. We have a copy of the music-and-poetry album for $3. An interesting curio from that era!
We have a copy of the Laurence Rosenthal promo for Becket, $15.
I’ll close with the kind of thing that collectors like that might have been overlooked: John Scott’s symphonic score to Becoming Colette, on his JOS label. We have one copy for $25.
Back tomorrow!