We have the Kritzerland release of The Cardinal (Moross) for $8.
Some vintage Elmer Bernstein: We have the Varèse Sarabande release of The Caretakers for $12, the Intrada edition of The Carpetbaggers for $35, and the Varèse Cast a Giant Shadow for $25.
We have the Franz Waxman score to Career, on Kritzerland, for $8.
We have the out-of-print La-La Land expanded edition of James Horner’s Casper for $45. Also the original MCA release for only $3, here and here, and a damaged one for $1.
Cassettes! Okay, this was not my idea, but they came to us, so here they are. I definitely remember these, although I could not say fondly. It’s weird to hold them in my hand again, like it’s 1990. We have the Varèse release of RoboCop 2 for $15, Patrick Doyle’s Shipwrecked for $25, and Songs From The Aristocats for $15.
Next are another category that wasn’t my idea, but as we received several collections (particularly from fans who had passed), they had CDRs included with them—either homemade copies, or gifts from fellow fans, or bootlegs, or who-knows-what. The options were to toss them, or try to sell them, so we’re just putting low prices on them ($1–$5) and offering them up. There are around 60 in stock at the moment, starting on this page on the site, and continuing here.
Curiously, these CDRs often sell very fast—I think people are intrigued by what this CDR of a famous score or composer might be, and figure for three bucks why not grab it? I hope people aren’t disappointed when they just turn out to be a clone of an existing album (which we note, if it’s clear to us), but fortunately we haven’t received any complaints.
We have the 3CD set Miklós Rózsa: A Centenary Celebration from Varèse Sarabande for $35.
Another Varèse release, The Champ by Dave Grusin, $10—very nice score, as always for Grusin.
We have The Changeling on Percepto, sealed for $18.
We have Jerry Fielding’s Chato’s Land on Intrada (ISC 409), for $20, here and here. Terrific Fielding score for the action-western starring Charles Bronson. We have the original Bay Cities release, too, for $15.
Finally, a must for John Williams collectors: the two-fer CD we did of his early Columbia Records albums Checkmate (swinging jazz from the Peter Gunn era of TV detectives) and Rhythm in Motion (brilliant arrangements of showtunes). We have two copies for $45, here and here. This is long out of print and hard to come by.
I’ll close with a story: years ago when Ron Jones was scoring Famiy Guy, he did shows with a big band around L.A. and Seth MacFarlane often came by to sing. I gave Seth a copy of Checkmate/Rhythm in Motion at one of these gigs, and Seth called me later because he absolutely flipped for Rhythm in Motion. He loves that era but evidently was unaware of this album. He loved the early “Johnny” Williams arrangements so much he commissioned a takedown of at least one of them, which he had played at his parties.
I wish I could remember which track it was, but they’re all good!
Back tomorrow!