The CD sale is done, so this week we’ll be following up on the inevitable handful of problems: mis-sent packages, wrong orders, customs issues, etc. Fun!
I took this selfie as we were wrapping up Thursday night. That’s yours truly on the left, Ian Henny (shipping) and Den Shewman (picking). By “picking,” I mean Den managed the inventory and selected the discs for your orders.
It was a lot of work but I enjoyed working with these two and we had a pretty good system in place for processing and shipping thousands of CDs in only a few short weeks.
Will we ever do it again? I honestly don’t know!
Lukas, I really appreciate all the work you and your team did to make the CD sale such a smooth process. I managed to get quite a few off my bucket list which was great, including some I had been after for years, all at reasonable prices. Hope you are able to repeat this process sometime in the future, as there's still a few from your list I'd be happy to own. Hope you all have a great Christmas!
Thank you all. Den, thank you for picking my copy of Titanic. It said cracked case discount, but I’ll be darned if I can find any damage! I imagine Den picking CDs to the epic Heavy Metal score for “Den” by Elmer Bernstein. Please do consider future sales. If physical media ownership evolves, this is a nice way to keep it in the community and benefit its members. Can’t imagine the work, but you should be proud of what you have achieved. Hope you’ll do more!
Kudos to you all, flawless transactions, much appreciated!☮
Wish I got in on it maybe next time, good luck