Last night I picked up dinner from a very good Indian restaurant here in South Pasadena, Radhika—which happens to be across the street from the above structure.
You may recognize it more looking like this:

Yes, that’s Michael Myers’ childhood home in the original 1978 Halloween. It was moved from its original location (down the street) some time in the 1980s, I believe.
Quite a bit of the original Halloween was filmed in South Pasadena, read more about it here.
In fact, the restaurant where we ordered food is also in the movie: it appears early in the picture, as the hardware store (which I guess it was at the time) that reports a robbery.
Not far from our house in another direction is a street with several of the homes used by the Back to the Future films as the 1955 houses of George, Lorraine and Biff.
Evidently South Pasadena is used for filming a lot, as it resembles a variety of American suburbs. We see filming trucks in the area often. One time they asked to block our driveway (they were shooting an ad) and gave us two hundred bucks in cash. We said, come back anytime!
A couple of years ago, we saw a bunch of 1930s cars on the way to the kids’ afterschool place—they were shooting the HBO Perry Mason.
I can’t help it—I always get a kick out of seeing real-life filming locations. Growing up on Martha’s Vineyard, we had all the original Jaws sites, and I used to give “the Jaws tour” to guests. Here I am with Jeff Bond (and his wife, Brooke, sitting up by the road) on the jetty seen in the “shark’s in the pond!” sequence. This is probably 1995.

I assure you all, I burned that shirt.