UPDATE 2PM: Still waiting to be approved by PayPal which will hopefully happen by this time tomorrow. In the mean time, shopping carts will hold your items.
HOWEVER! Your shopping carts only keep the items if you have registered with the site and created your login info. So please do that!
Also, we are going to add payments by Stripe which will allow us to accept credit cards, even from countries where PayPal does not operate.
Thank you so much for enduring this delay. So very sorry!
UPDATE 12:22PM: I spoke with PayPal and they are expediting approval of my business account, which will allow all you nice folks to place orders.
We are extending the HOLDS on the shopping carts to 48 hours.
As soon as I hear from PayPal, orders should be possible, and I will post and notify everybody.
In the meantime, please put whatever you want to buy in your shopping cart, and it will be reserved for you. Thank you for understanding, what a curveball this was!
UPDATE 11:57AM: We will extend the HOLDS on the carts so don’t worry, you won’t lose your selections. Still working on the PayPal problem.
UPDATE 11:40AM: What a nightmare! You are all getting error messages because PayPal is restricting my new business account. I am so sorry! This is horrendous.
I will try to get them on the phone, wish me luck, ugh!
UPDATE 11:03AM: Please be patient if the site is taking too long to load. We are watching it really carefully. Thanks for understanding.
UPDATE 11AM: Here it is! Visit www.fsmcds.com
It’s not easy anymore to get a URL with only six letters, how about that?
Go here for a video tutorial to help you understand the site and how to order.
Important things to know!
1. There are bound to be bugs, or things that are not technically bugs, but are nonetheless confusing/suboptimal. Please report errors to me at LukasKendallMV@gmail.com, as our awesome web company is standing by to fix them and improve usability.
2. The site is not as searchable as I would have hoped. Because of the way we wrote the label name and number in one field, you can’t easily type “Intrada” and see all the Intrada albums. You can continue to refer to the old-fashioned spreadsheet if you want to browse with a faster, clearer system that takes less time to load, and can be sorted by column.
3. The shopping carts: When you add a CD to your cart, it is exclusive to you for one hour. There is no public display of this time (sorry), so keep track of it yourself please. After 60 minutes, the item will remain in your cart—potentially indefinitely—but it is not exclusive. Somebody else can buy it, after which you cannot.
4. Go here for the page on my blog I am keeping for ordering info, policies, shipping rates, etc. Thank you!
Happy shopping! Thank you and please email me your questions and bug reports!
UPDATE 10:23AM: Still waiting to confirm that the e-commerce website works.
As of now I will plan on publicly revealing the URL (so you can start to place orders) at 11AM. If that changes, I will post an update.
UPDATE 10AM: PLEASE STAND BY! Confirming with the website folks that all bugs are resolved.
Before we turn on the e-commerce site, here is the spreadsheet of titles being offered. You can use this to more quickly sort and search for titles you want—or sort by composer, label, price, etc.
The only thing you cannot do on it is actually order. But if you want a head start...
We are minutes away from launching our new used CDs site!
Please be patient, we may be a little bit late, as we are trying to finalize the way the shopping cart behaves.
We need people to be able to reserve things in their shopping cart while they shop for more, but not so long they are hoarding things.
News coming shortly...
Thanks Paypal for turning something that should've been cake into this focacta mess. He's LUKAS KENDALL for crying out loud! He won't steer you wrong!