TECH NOTE! Our first technical problem of the year—if you are not seeing any of the new listings on the site, you may need to clear your cache, as your browser could still be pointed to our old, slow and crappy server. Let me know if this works?
Here we go, the first CD sale of 2025! We have over 300 new listings, including a great number of the “hot,” out-of-print soundtrack boutique label CDs, and some “keystone” box sets for any great soundtrack collection.
We have the FSM Mikós Rózsa box set for $395; the cheapest you’ll find it on eBay is $688. Yikes!
Visit www.fsmcds.com to shop. FYI We just moved to a newer, faster server, but if there are any programming or performance issues, email me! LukasKendallMV@gmail.com
Here is a spreadsheet you can review faster than the site itself, and sort by composer, label, price, etc. Use it to see what you want, and then go over to www.fsmcds.com to add to your cart and buy.
Thank you and we look forward to your orders!
Reminder: Coming in two or three weeks is the 4,800 piece Paul Scannell collection. And then, roughly a month after that, the 6,000+ piece Douglass Fake collection. We’ll be busy!