Our next lot of film music CDs goes live at www.fsmcds.com tomorrow (Tuesday 8/13) at 10AM Pacific time.
I’ve figured out how to put up a splash page while the CDs are uploading, so we won’t have the confusion of people trying to order from a partially uploaded list.
Tomrrow’s lot contains around 1,500 discs, of which 500 are an assortment of Academy Awards “For Your Consideration” CDs, promos and CDRs.
We’ve done our best to organize, describe and price these “industry” discs that came our way, but we’ll just have to all figure it out as we go. The “FYC” CDs are easy enough to identify, but it can be very hard to differentiate a pressed CD from a CDR. Sometimes it’s obvious—from a blue or colored playing surface—but other times, it’s super confusing. And while we visually inspect everything, we logically don’t have the time to try to play everything—so I’m concerned some older CDRs might not even scan.
We always aim to keep customers happy and will refund for unplayable discs—but if you like your collection to be immaculate, please understand going in that these CDRs often have a lot of wear and tear. Nowadays, composer and industry personnel (studio execs, agencies, publicists) just send digital files to promote their work, but 10–25 years ago they mailed physical CDRs—which often weren’t labeled for anything more than this utilitarian purpose. (They often lack track lists so we can’t even discern if they are copies of easily available commercial CDs, or rare unreleased scores or cues.)
So we have everything from pressed and printed promos, to CDRs where it was somebody burning a disc, writing the title on it, and slapping it in a case for a contact. And it’s a little hard to price them, because they are, of course, worth what somebody is willing to pay. We’ve put them at anywhere from $3–5 (for obscure composers/scores) to $15–45 for name composers with unreleased cues.
If you like pressed CDs with all their beautiful collector’s edition artwork, don’t worry, we do have hundreds of choice titles going live tomorrow, too.
See you soon!
Thanks for the update. Makes up for the ongoing crushing disappointment that is Varese Sarabande's endless pursuit of the vinyl market.