UPDATE 4/9/24: Here is the present inventory as of Tuesday morning.
We have added a new lot of 890 CDs to www.fsmcds.com: 840 soundtrack CDs and then some odds and ends.
I know most people like to browse a list of just the new stuff: you can do that using this spreadsheet, and make notes as to what you want to buy over at the store.
Another announcement: this will be the last week of carrying Tim Knapp’s DVD collection. Why? Good news! We have a HUGE CD collection coming in (it will take several weeks to process). And we need to clear the space.
So please browse the spreadsheet of available DVDs. Most are only $1 and we want to get them into good homes. Come next week, I’ll probably donate them to a video store or to Goodwill.
Thank you for buying from us, I’m enjoying the experience and we’re working to give you great prices and great service!
I have a question. Is the Speed score by Mark Mancina the actual score? Or is it the mix of songs by other artists?