I am late to posting on the blog today because I have been typing the CD listings for our next huge sale, of the Paul Scannell collection.
It’s an interesting experience because I feel like I am going back and forth in time through the history of soundtrack CDs. Not only when I get to a title like Inchon and there are four different editions, but there are various song-compilation albums of movies that I dimly remember being advertised, or covering in Film Score Monthly. Their covers feature movie stars as their younger selves, or banished entities like Kevin Spacey.
The cool moments are getting to a rare, early Varèse Sarabande “VCD” title and holding in my hands something I had only read about for years. And there are often obscure scores by famous composers where I had no idea the thing even existed.
By the way, the blog title today is in homage to those old Mancini scores where he would title a cue “Son of...” (usually the previous cue) as a tribute to his early days in monster movies. I believe John Williams used that gag as well.