I rewatched “Darmok” from Star Trek: The Next Generation last night, as it rolled around on Heroes & Icons. Great episode!
I remember watching it first-run feeling the same way: entertained, and impressed, and delighted. It was like a perfect Star Trek episode: the aliens aren’t bad, just misunderstood—and their metaphor-driven language was fascinating to contemplate. Plus it had great acting, a terrific score by Jay Chattaway, location shooting, and more.
Reading about the ep on Memory Alpha, I followed a link to a fascinating memo by writer Joe Menosky from the story’s development. Check it out.
This, along with Half a Life, is one of my favorite Star Trek episodes ever. We just recently watched it as we are trundling through all the 90's shows again, and it still impresses. But that link - what a cool disquisition!